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Savage Harbour Cottage rentals

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Prince Edward Island Vacation Accommodation

Sandcastles Executive Cottages

SANDCASTLES EXECUTIVE COTTAGES are located in the secluded community of Savage Harbour, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Step out on the deck overlooking the beach. Absorb the breathtaking view. Let the fresh ocean air energize every part of your being. Discover the ideal vacation get-away that is safe, secure, and the perfect place for relaxation and recreation. Experience the natural beauty, local traditions, culture and charm.
Prince Edward Island is a vacation paradise. Choose leisure activities like golf, deep sea fishing, romantic dinners in quaint restaurants, lobster suppers, windsurfing, hiking along historic trails, sailing, kayaking, seal or bird watching, visiting local festivals and exhibitions, visit numerous historical sites or cultural events like a Ceilidh.
Sandcastles Executive Cottages
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Savage Harbour
Savage Harbour , xxxxxx
Phone: (403) 253-3094
Email: Click here to send an email